Home » Industry & Business » Dairy Farmers are Key Contributors to Canada’s Economy and Community Vitality

Travelling through Canada’s beautiful countryside, with its green pastures and well-ordered dairy farms, it may not occur to everyone that they’re looking at the engine of one of this country’s key economic success stories.

The reality is that the dairy sector is one of the top two agricultural sectors in 7 out of 10 provinces. Overall, dairy production contributes $19.9 billion to our total annual economic output, and the sector remits $3.8 billion a year in taxes.

In all, dairy production sustains more than 221,000 jobs across the country, adding to the vitality and cohesion of Canada’s communities and our rural fabric. A typical Canadian dairy farm is run by a family, but also relies on many experts to ensure the family business is successful and the animals are healthy and thriving. Professionals who regularly visit farms to provide services include animal nutritionists, veterinarians, dairy herd improvement advisors, farm business management experts, herd classifiers, hoof trimmers, milk graders, milk truck drivers, feed truck drivers, mechanics, and agronomists who provide all kinds of expertise required to run a dairy farm.

The stability and predictability in pricing in Canada have helped dairy producers become key drivers of Canada’s economy. At the same time, they provide a strong foundation of leadership and support for rural Canada and communities across Canada.  

A vibrant dairy industry means more jobs, improved access to rural infrastructure, and a stronger economy that benefits all Canadians.

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