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360°kids Is on a Mission to Prevent Homelessness and Support Youth

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This holiday season, you can help 360°kids to make a difference in the lives of our youth.

In the mosaic of Canada’s charitable landscape, 360°kids stands proudly as a beacon of change, recently earning its place amongst Canada’s top 100 charities and securing a spot in the top 10 At-Risk Youth Social Services in Ontario. This recognition underscores the organization’s unwavering commitment to addressing and preventing youth homelessness through supports that tackle the root causes faced by young people. At the heart of their work is a continued commitment to providing preventative, comprehensive, and inclusive support for all youth who seek help.


Compassion through comprehensive support

360°kids recognizes that the path to ending youth homelessness involves more than just shelter — it encompasses the comprehensive well-being of each individual. The support is rooted in four key pillars: housing, education, employment, and well-being. The wide array of programs and services ensures that youth find the support they need within the organization.

The comprehensive support starts by addressing the immediate housing needs of the youth through traditional and innovative emergency and long-term affordable housing options, such as Connections emergency housing, Nightstop community hosting, and the longer-term Transitions program. While in their care, youth are encouraged to continue their education through the iGrad school, in partnership with the York Region District School Board.

However, the support doesn’t stop at just housing and education. The employment programs and services provide training that helps prepare young people, who may be facing obstacles and challenges, for a future filled with opportunities. Lastly, the focus is also on their overall health and well-being, addressing the mental, physical, and emotional impacts that youth experiencing homelessness face. The organization understands that true stability extends beyond just having a roof over their heads.

360°kids is committed to fostering inclusivity and a sense of belonging among youth entering their care. The programs are designed to support their individuality and connectedness to their community. While working with youth, the goal is to help them feel included, seen, and proud of their identity. This is a commitment to the values of compassion and belonging — to create a supportive and inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and promotes self-esteem.

Community support matters

As the organization celebrates its recent accolades and reflects on more than three decades of community service, it recognizes the road ahead is fraught with challenges. Issues such as housing insecurity, escalating living costs and the need for mental health support are just a few of the hurdles to overcome. It is crucial to understand that enduring change can only be forged through the united strength and backing of individuals, businesses, and institutions.  People are encouraged to learn more about the programs and services, get involved in the campaigns, and support organizations like  360°kids.  It’s not just investing in a charity — it’s investing in a brighter, more compassionate future for youth — a future where they’re not defined by their circumstances but by the boundless potential that resides within each of them.

Learn more at 360kids.ca.

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