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Future of Food

Food for Life Delivers Food with Purpose, for People and the Planet

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Food rescue organization partners with grocery stores and wholesalers to rescue tons of good food to reduce waste and help those in need. 

The topic of food security is very much in the headlines these days. Inflation and supply chain issues have further contributed to the food accessibility issues faced by many Canadians.  

Food for Life is committed to providing fresh, nutritious food to people who may not be able to afford it. This leading food charity recovers more than five million pounds of food each year from all parts of the supply chain. With a focus on healthy food, this includes fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and protein sources. 

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Food for Life is built on a unique supply chain model that has sustainability at its core. This is evident as it has the only in-vessel composter at a food charity in Canada and diverts inedible food that’s recovered back to the earth, savings millions of kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions each year, not to mention the diversion of all that packaging into the right waste streams. 

Working together to create change

Food for Life is supported by a network of individuals, corporations, and foundations. One such partner is Becel, part of the Upfield family of brands. Last fall, it joined forces with Food for Life, which aligned with its good food and good deeds focus.  

This is all made possible by a committed team and thousands of volunteers, including those from caring companies that join together with Food for Life in what are called Team Experiences. “These half-or full-day sessions allow companies to bring their teams together and to be social again in a safe and meaningful way,” says Laura Hickerson, who leads this part of Food for Life. 

Aligning and partnering with Food for Life and its expertise also helps to drive companies like Upfield and the Becel team to further their work for the cause.   

“From the initial event, the Becel team at Upfield was inspired to do more through this amazing partnership,” says Shoshana Price, Head of Marketing at Upfield Canada. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with Food for Life and making a difference in the lives of Canadians with good food and a healthy meal.”  

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