Nature-based solutions — also referred to as natural climate solutions — are projects that protect, transform, or restore land, such as forests, grasslands, and wetlands, to lower concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Each of these activities results in the biological capture and storage of carbon, typically through the process of photosynthesis, and can lead to the marketing, trading, and sale of carbon offset credits.
In Canada, Shell has sourced some carbon credits from the Darkwoods Forest Carbon Project, an initiative of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. The Darkwoods Forest Carbon Project markets carbon credits generated from the Darkwoods Conservation Area in southeast BC. The conservation area protects 630 square kilometres of rare inland temperate rainforest, sub-alpine meadows, and freshwater systems, and protects mature and old-growth forests from being intensively harvested for timber.
Shell Canada is also working in collaboration with Indigenous communities in the BC interior on a reforestation project that could lead to opportunities to generate carbon credits. Shell and the Tŝilhqot’in National Government are jointly undertaking a tree-planting project in Tŝilhqot’in territory, where wildfires in recent years have significantly impacted the region and the Indigenous communities located there. Planting an estimated 840,000 trees will take place in areas that haven’t regenerated on their own or have been slow to regenerate.
Shell’s Worldwide Nature-Based Solutions
Shell is investing in nature globally as just one of the ways it’s working to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 or sooner, in step with society. Below are some of the ways it’s making a difference.

Shell is investing
$200 million
globally in 2020 and 2021 on nature-based solutions.

1 in 4 drivers
in the Netherlands are taking advantage of Shell’s Drive Carbon Neutral program.

Nature-based solutions can cost- effectively provide more than
one third
of the emission reductions needed between now and 2030 to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.*
* Source: Nature Conservancy of Canada