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75+ Years of Excellence: Atlantic Packaging’s Tree-Free Paper Production

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Atlantic is a shining example of how a company can thrive while prioritizing sustainability.

Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. is setting a commendable example in the corporate world by making significant investments in Canada toward reducing carbon footprints, both for the company itself and its customers. 


One way Atlantic achieves this is through the production of paper without the need to cut down a single tree. Atlantic produces only 100 per cent recycled liners and mediums, which are used to make corrugated cartons. Its process involves recycling old and discarded boxes, which are collected in blue bins as old corrugated containers. These boxes undergo a transformation at Atlantic’s three paper mills, returning them to a pulp state, which is then fed to its four paper machines to create fresh paper. This 100 per cent recycled paper is then shipped to the company’s converting plants to make more boxes. This approach not only significantly reduces the demand for virgin materials but also conserves natural resources and minimizes waste, underscoring Atlantic’s unwavering commitment to environmental conservation, a vital step in aligning with the principles of the circular economy.

Preserving our planet

“Our core values center around sustainability,” says Sean Weir, President of Atlantic Packaging. “We’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint, offering reusable brown boxes and bags, and leading the way to a more sustainable future. We’re not just in the packaging business — we’re in the business of preserving our planet for generations to come.” 

Atlantic Packaging follows the 5Rs of sustainable packaging: remove, reduce, re-use, renew, and recycle. This approach drives its sustainable packaging innovation by reducing material consumption, promoting reusability, and embracing renewable resources.

In a world where environmental concerns are paramount, Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. stands as a shining example of how a company can thrive while prioritizing sustainability. Its investments in Canada not only reduce its carbon footprint but also inspire others to follow suit, showing that a circular economy is not just a vision but an attainable reality. 

Learn more about Atlantic Packaging.

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