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Free branding Program for Ontario Manufacturers to Self-Promote

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Many Ontarians want to support local manufacturers but don’t know how to find them. Here’s how Ontario Made helps them.

Why shouldn’t products made in Ontario be consumed and used by Ontarians? After all, so many world-class goods are manufactured right here — cars, pharmaceuticals, clothing, technology, food, home décor items, beauty and personal care products, and more.


In buying locally produced products, Ontario consumers are also helping to support the 36,832 manufacturing companies in this province and the 787,100 Ontarians who work at them. This helps to grow the local economy and pay for essential services like schools, roads, and health care.

Getting the word out

Here’s the challenge. Many Ontario consumers and businesses want to buy locally produced goods but don’t know how to find them. Ontario Made is on a mission to solve this problem. Created in July 2020 by Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, in partnership with the Ontario government, Ontario Made is a free branding program that brings together manufacturers and makers, retailers, and consumers to celebrate and promote the many top-notch products made in Ontario.

Manufacturers of all sizes are eligible to participate and promote their products to consumers and other businesses with an Ontario Made logo. Bearing the logo lets local manufacturing companies show off their products more clearly to B2B and B2C customers, stand out in a fiercely competitive market, and grow their local supply chain by gaining access to a wide range of other Ontario Made manufacturers.

Ontario Made also helps retailers make informed purchasing decisions by providing them with complimentary merchandizing materials to showcase the Ontario Made products they carry.  But mostly, Ontario Made solves the problem of individuals not knowing how to find local manufacturers. Each participant receives free listing space on Ontario Made’s searchable product database ( Using this database, customers and businesses can search across different product categories, using keywords to find any product type and learn where they can buy the products, and get to know the companies in their communities.

The benefits of a robust, local supply chain

Ontario Made supports a robust, local supply chain, which is critical to Ontario’s manufacturing economy. Having manufacturing processes in Ontario makes it easier for companies to produce goods, gives them more control over their production and quality, and reduces the carbon footprint of having to transport goods long distances. It also avoids cross-border issues and import fees, which in turn allows companies to offer their customers more competitive pricing and faster delivery. Finally, it helps to develop a circular local business support system and provides a variety of opportunities to choose from.

There has never been a more important time to support local, and Ontario Made is dedicated to spreading the word about local products and making sure they get the attention they deserve. 

Take advantage of this free opportunity to market your products and increase your company’s brand awareness by signing up today.

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