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Suzan Denoncourt, former Managing Director of Ingenico Group and Women in Payments mentor, says you should mentor because “the benefits for both mentor and mentee are undeniable.”

Mediaplanet: Why did you decide to be a mentor for Women in Payments?

Suzan Denoncourt: I had already initiated group mentoring within my own organization when Women in Payments founder and CEO Kristy Duncan first approached me with her idea of starting a Global Mentorship Program. What could be more fitting at a time when globalization and interoperability were taking centre stage in the industry than to support a global mentorship initiative that would facilitate a cross-cultural dynamic? I couldn’t have been more supportive — so much so, that I encouraged Ingenico Group to become a founding sponsor. It was only natural that I got involved from the very first cohort. I enjoyed the pleasure of exchanging with a mentee from Australia. Since then, I’ve been all in and I haven’t looked back.

Why is mentorship so important? Would you do it again?

Without question, and I foresee mentoring for as long as I can bring value to future mentees. From being a sounding board to offering an experienced and fresh perspective to sharing lessons learned and constructive feedback, mentorship enables immediate insights and guidance that may otherwise take years to acquire. While that value is intended for mentees, the benefit of reverse-mentoring adds a whole other dimension to the process that many may not anticipate. I certainly didn’t. In fact, I was taken aback in my first one-on-one experience when I came to the realization of how much I was learning as a mentor and how much it was contributing to my own personal growth. I’ve now participated in several cohorts and can say without hesitation that I’ve gained as much from each experience as my mentees have, albeit in a very different way.

As an advocate for mentorship, I consider it a privilege to be involved in the rapidly-growing Women in Payments network. Testimonials from both mentors and mentees more than reinforce the value of the Women in Payments Global Mentorship Program. I’d encourage all women to embrace the opportunity to get involved. For those who feel compelled but not quite ready to become a mentor, there’s a path for that: start as a mentee.

What motivates you? What drives you in your career?

  1. To be empowered to drive positive change — be it organizational or in the development of creative solutions.
  2. To be surrounded by capable, confident, strategic leaders — both internally and within the industry — who are focused on continual evolution for the betterment of the industry and its many stakeholders.
  3. To nurture next-gen leaders who are thirsting for, and embrace, every opportunity to meet new challenges that will help them grow in their careers.

The needle is moving, and it’s up to all of us to not let up until balance becomes the new normal.

Women in Payments is a global network for women, by women founded by Kristy Duncan in 2012. Women in Payments connects, inspires, and champions women in the financial ecosystem. Become a member to take your career in payments further and to be part of an empowering community that fosters tremendous growth.

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