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Understanding 5G

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Understanding 5G unites industry leaders in Canada to address some of the common knowledge gaps and educate readers on the many positive impacts of 5G.

Canada’s Wireless Industry

Robert Ghiz, Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association President and CEO, explains Canada’s world-class networks and what the 5G future holds.

Driving Your Business With the Power of 5G

5G technology has the potential to revolutionize Canadian society, but only if companies begin to prepare and adapt their current business models.

Network Innovation Crucial for 5G

5G is changing the way Canadian businesses work and evolve — a digital transformation dependent on the network technology fundamental for 5G deployment.

5G: ‘It Will Completely Reshape the World’

The next generation of cell technology is destined to change everything. But what is it, exactly? And how will it transform life? Communitech News explains.

Ensuring Canada Has a First-Movers Advantage When 5G Rolls Out

The ENCQOR 5G initiative will give hundreds of Canadian companies and researchers the opportunity to test prototype hardware and software solutions.

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