Tim Murphy
Co-Chair – Infrastructure & Energy, McMillan LLP
Public-private partnerships (P3s) are an ideal model for investing in major infrastructure projects, combining the power of private sector innovation with the public interest to produce value for money for taxpayers. McMillan LLP, a leading business law firm serving public, private, and not-for-profit clients in Canada, the US, and internationally, is an industry leader at facilitating infrastructure development and is highly sought-after as governments across Canada build infrastructure using P3s.
With rapid urbanization stretching infrastructure to its limit, increasing demands for high-quality public services delivered on time and on budget, and the need for innovative solutions for cash-strapped governments, the significant increase in collaboration between the public and private sectors makes sense. P3s build Canada’s infrastructure and economic competitiveness, address the significant infrastructure deficit of communities across Canada, and result in faster builds, better-maintained assets, and more value for taxpayers’ money.
McMillan’s leadership role in P3s
A P3 project requires detailed planning, a sophisticated understanding of the risks, and a keen eye for practical solutions. No one understands this better than McMillan. An established firm with recognized leadership in major business sectors, McMillan’s industry-focused teams offer expertise and practical, cost-effective legal solutions.
The firm’s complete range of services includes assistance with procurement, construction, financing, environmental review, community consultation, tax, and regulatory issues, built on the foundation of years of experience in the P3 sector.
McMillan’s Co-Chair of Infrastructure and Energy, Tim Murphy, has considerable expertise in P3 procurement. His book, Public-Private Partnerships in Canada: Law, Policy and Value for Money, provides a complete guide to P3s. It summarizes the history of P3s, the policy rationale, and the procurement process for public officials, and provides a detailed analysis of the risk allocation and financial structuring required of the private sector. Finally, it identifies areas for future innovation, from the growing area of revenue risk projects to the use of the Canadian P3 model in the US or Indigenous communities in Canada.