Erin Brockovich
Environmental Activist and Consumer Advocate
We sat down with renowned environmental activist and consumer advocate, Erin Brockovich, to learn more about her journey in water stewardship and why it’s more important now than ever to fight for clean water

What is your philosophy? Why is the “truth” so important?
Truth is the key ingredient in trust and without trust it’s impossible to know what is really going on. Truth builds trust and respect which enables progress.

When discussing climate change and our planet, why do you think it is important to discuss water?
Water is the climate. Water is the lifeblood of the planet and our bodies. Water is the source of life.

How has your view on water changed since your fight for clean water began?
My view on water hasn’t changed but my view on how careless we are with this vital, beautiful gift has become more and more worrisome. My father is the one who told me that during my lifetime water will become a precious commodity and it’s happening. We need to defend it like we’d defend our own children.

What do you want readers to take away from your new book “Superman’s Not Coming”?
You must be engaged. This idea that we can rely on government whether it’s state, local or federal or even some environmental activist is misguided. People need to be our own heroes. Communities need to come together and be the change they want to see. Tag… you’re it!

What advice would you give to environmental activists who are fighting to make an impact?
Stick-to-itiveness – you can’t quit. They are spending millions, we need to be fully dedicated and never, ever give up.